Thursday, September 12, 2013

NOS4A2 - Book review


I just finished this book so I thought now was the time to write about it. My friend handed me this book by Joe Hill and I started reading it 2 days later without a thought about the fact that it is a book by JOE HILL and therefore a horror book. I don't generally read horror books for several reasons. Reason 1, I do most of my reading at night, in bed while trying to fall asleep, you can guess what kind of dreams reading horror books at night bring me. Reason 2, horror books stay with me. I love horror movies, but those are two hours and then you're done, whatever horrible images you see may implant themselves in your psyche but they tend to fade. However, when I read horror my imagination creates images that are much more intense and disturbing than you will find on any movie screen, and it takes days to read a horror book not just hours. Over the course of those days I create whole horrifying worlds to haunt my dreams and waking hours.

I was already too far into NOS4A2 to quit by the time I really realized that it was a horror book. I even went as far as to read t before I went to bed several nights. BIG mistake. The dreams that resulted from this mistake kept me awake for days. And yet I KEPT READING! I literally couldn't stop myself.

 This book is amazing. The writing is excellent. I honestly couldn't put it down. I would get to the end of a scene knowing that I had other things to do and keep reading for another hour, responsibilities be damned. I went through all 700+ pages of the book in 4 days. I don't want to give anything away. But I will say that Joe Hill paints a vivid and disturbing world with full rich characters. I haven't been this caught up in a book in years. Though I will add a warning, if you are easily disturbed this is not the book for you. I will probably be dreaming about/ being disturbed by this one for years to come. But there is something deliciously wonderful about a book that horrifies and captivates you as completely as this one. And the occasional shiver down my spine is totally worth the enjoyment I got from this book. I honestly can't recommend this book enough. And with that I hand it to my husband and I'm off to play some nice light airy video games.